Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sue Sylvester emerging icon ~ Gleeks are loving Vogue

I'm a total GLEEK! If you have no idea what I'm talking about Google it and prepare to be entertained.  Fox's hit musical comedy drama television program, Glee, even has a Wikipedia page.  I can't seem to stop watching the remake of Madonna's Vogue video with Sue Sylvester/Jane Lynch, she/they are brilliant!  Don't believe me?  Just watch both videos and prepare yourself to be thoroughly entertained.......

Now check this out this side by side comparison! I love it!


1 Response to "Sue Sylvester emerging icon ~ Gleeks are loving Vogue"
  1. Anonymous said...
    April 26, 2010 at 1:22 PM

    i, too, am a GLEEK! lova. lova. lova them!


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