Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do you Tweet? Wanna Be My Friend?

Social networking isn't just the "buzzword" of the day.  It has become a part of our culture - if you are hip anyway.

I'm pretty hip.  I think.

Only, I don't get Twitter. I have an account but haven't really become a nittwit, or whatever those who tweet call themselves. 

It isn't just for the teenybopper/college/yuppy crowd either. I love Facebook and I'm a married with children mid-to-late-thirty-something.

I think Facebook will go down as one of the most influential creations of this decade.  And if you haven't joined yet get to it because you are really missin' out!

I became a Facebook addict several months ago. What a time suck. I obsessively played all the word games until I was number one in all categories. I pray every night that nobody beats my scores because I certainly don't have time to spend becoming number one again.

I have reconnected with people from every stage of my life! My high school Chem teacher (yo, shout out to Mr Randall, or as I'm allowed to call you now,
Jack), my mom, my high school and college friends, my violin teacher, my sister-in-law Jen and her totally fun cousin Kelly, my cousins in England, whom I haven't seen in about 8 years now - just a few of my 264 "friends".  

I even IM'd parenting advice to the boy next door last night. You know, the boy next door?  The one I knew from diapers but haven't seen since my family moved to NH in the 5th grade. The one that got a woopin' for throwing a boulder at, and denting, his mom's orange Chevy Nova with the black and orange print fabric seats. Yup, that guy. 

Go figure.  After thirty some odd years he remembered that I know everything about everything!  (Smart guy if you ask me.)

I get Facebook.  Facebook doesn't scare me.

Twitter though?  I'm intimidated by it.  Don't know how to do it.  Not sure I want people in my head that way.  

But, I strive to be hip, to be connected and social.  I won't back down from this, it can't be that complicated. 


I am going to face my fears, and I am going to explore the bird. There must be something there if millions of folk are twittering each day.

I go forth with trepidation.. wish me luck.  Follow me as I begin my journey.....  Follow me  (banteringblonde) on Twitter!

Oh, and thank you to Jane at Kidzarama for inspiring this post and for her blog entry that helped me with the little birdie and link to my Twit world.  


4 Responses to "Do you Tweet? Wanna Be My Friend?"
  1. Aliceson said...
    February 19, 2009 at 9:40 AM

    I don't use twitter but it seems like a lot of fun. I don't use facebook either, but I already spend way too much time blogging and think I would totally get sucked in and never leave my house.

    Good luck to you and keep us posted on your twitter adventures you hip cat!

  2. La Mom-an American Mom in Paris said...
    February 19, 2009 at 11:35 AM

    I agree with Aliceson - it's another time suck but it's fun. It's helped me generate more traffic for my blog. Plus it's fun to follow celebreties like Demi Moore & Ashton Kutcher! They seem like normal, everyday people on Twitter.

  3. Heidi said...
    February 19, 2009 at 5:20 PM

    I'm afraid to try twitter b/c I hear it is highly addictive. I do like facebook, though!

  4. jane said...
    February 22, 2009 at 7:17 PM

    Y'know, it's weird, 'cause I found Facebook intimidating.

    I actually filled out the form three times over six months before I finally joined up!

    ~And thanks for the linklove, Fiona :D


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